Sunday, June 09, 2013

10th Solving Contest of ESSNA, Problems

10th Solving Contest of ESSNA (Attica, Greece)

June 09, 2013

Problems to be solved in 120 minutes (2 hours)

#2, Mate in 2 moves
#3, Mate in 3 moves
#5, Mate in 5 moves
=, White plays and draws
h#4, Helpmate in 4 moves
s#3, Selfmate in 3 moves

#2: Write the key.
#3 and #5: Write the key, possible threats and all the variations until the one-before-the-last white move.
Study: Write all the moves until an obvious draw.
h#4: Write the full solution.
s#3: Write the key, possible threats and all the variations until the the last white move.

The solutions will be posted tomorrow!

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